Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Let it be known that I got home yesterday a little after 6. By 7pm I was asleep on the couch. I woke up at midnight and went to bed. I then woke up to my alarm at 5:20am. I got a lot of sleep, and it was awesome. I wasn't tired at all at school today.

I also had a very cracked out dream a couple nights ago. I remember parts of the dream, but not what night I had it, though i remember waking up thinking "what the hell?"

I dreamed that I was at school, and in the teachers lounge during 2nd period, apparently I had forgotten that I had a class. The last thirty minutes of class (in real life that would be sometime around 8:00am), I realized I had a class and freaked out. I ran down there (it's a good 80 yards or so). I get down there and there's my Music History 2 and 3 prof waiting to observe me teaching. I don't know why, maybe because I really didn't like her. She looked like Skeletor from He-Man. That's what we called her. Anyway, I run in the room and she's all pissed at me. Somehow I ended up near the back of the room (the door is near the front. The room has steps, like the old band room at Springboro. I ran down the stairs and she's yelling at me because I was barefoot. Then yelled because my stomach was visible because my shirt was too short by and inch or so. Then I woke up. Weird.

Also, Nagi and I are heading out to register for wedding stuff tomorrow night. Any suggestions as to where or where not to register? Input is appreciated.

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