Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wedding Pictures

So I finally got the pictures from the photographer from the wedding.  When we ordered last fall, I got a few 8x10s some 5x7s and a truck load of 5x5's.  The photographer had all the proofs in 5x5s and that seemed to make all the pictures work the best.  I went that next weekend and looked for a 5x5 album to put the $2000 worth of pictures in.  (Wedding pictures are expensive, thank God for parents!)  I checked everywhere for a 5x5 album: Michaels, Hobby Lobby, JoAnn Fabrics, Walmart, Meijer, and even asked the people at Archiver's.  Nothing.  Nada. Zip.  Zilch.  That's when I was convinced that the professional photography industry was somehow not allowing 5x5 albums to be sold in stores for the general public to purchase and create their own albums instead of buying their god awful expensive (read: my photographer wanted $350 to put my pictures in an album) albums with 'Italian leather'.  I call bull honky on that.  

I settled for a cute 8x8 album with black pages and a pack of glue dots to stick the pics to the page.  It works, it looks good, I put about 15 in there when I started to think...

There's got to be a 5x5 album somewhere.  I'm going to go look again tomorrow before I sticky up the rest of the pictures.  

If anyone knows where to buy a 5x5 album, hook me up, even if you find one on the black market....

Also, more posts to come as I start ranting about how crazy school is :p

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are correct, there's a bunch. (I used to shoot medium format, and know the pain of looking for he right frame, the right anything to put them in.) If you're looking for frames, the square NYTTJA frame from Ikea is just right.

And a sale!