Wednesday, July 05, 2006


This place has been rather negative of late. I'll try to change it, but no promises.

Friday I went and saw Superman with everyone. It's the first movies I've gone to see since King Kong when i was in DC with Nate. I also love using my student ID to get cheaper prices. They don't know how to check and see if it's valid or not!

Anyway, Superman was much better than I thought it would be, and thought there was a love story involved, it wasn't cheesy and there was some pretty sweet action. I thought it was very well done and Kevin Spacey was most excellent. And so was the newcomer that plaed Superman. I do have to say, the best part? the trailer for Spiderman 3. Because Superman is gay. Oh, and everytime I heard the main theme played I wanted to stand up and stretch my quads, because that's what every marching band person wants to do. And sadly, I wasn't the only one there that night that mentioned wanting to do so :)

Also the 4th was most excellent. It would have been better if I would have gotten to finish my open water checkout dives, but meh, I can wait I guess. We did the usual at Delco Park, rain and everything. It was just enough rain to be annoying, and I think it's rained every year but one. Oh well, it was fun, there were about 30 of us, and my brother even came.

Back to cleaning up my little hovel. Someone needs to IM or call me so I can get out of the house!


Starbuck said...

So many typos, too lazy to fix them.

Anonymous said...

Atlanta's available!