Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I don't mind teaching, in fact I love it. I just want a job where I know what I do really matters. Right now, knowing that I'm leaving in 2-3 weeks, I have no motivation to bust my butt. I want a job that's mine, when people ask me a question, I don't have to answer with "let me get back to you on that, I have to ask so and so." I also hate doing work that is not mine to do. And I don't like it when people leave work early because their spouse hasn't slept for 3 days, and asks me on the fly to cover the rest of his classes. I want paid for that like any other substitute teacher >< I also despise parents. It's awesome that they care about their kids so much, but geez, cut me a break. As if keeping 5 schools schedules straight isn't enough.

Maybe I'm tired (I'm really exhausted). Maybe I'm grumpy (check), maybe I'm just now finding out what a thankless job teaching is....

Point of the post? All I really want is my own real job, but that's not gonna happen for another 6-9 months or so. And that's if someone hires me for next fall....

Also I have a beef with the Indiana Dept. of Education, more on that later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


That might help cure what ails ya <3