Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Sleepless Nights

I don't know what my deal is, it seems that as of late sleep is optional to my body. What's wrong with me? I went to bed at midnight tonight, read a book (Eragon, it's really good) until my eyes got heavy, then turned off the light, closed my eyes and woke up. I was fine until I started thinking and obsessing on whether I put a return address on 3 very important things I mailed today. Do they still deliver snail mail without a return address?

I wouldn't mind the insomnia if I was for sure I didn't have to teach in the morning. As of yet, I could get a phone call at 6am to teach, leaving me with 3 hours of sleep and dealing with kids all day. That doens't make for a happy day.

I want to do what Samus the cat does and curl up and sleep in a spot someone has yet to find. She's real good at that. Maybe I'll survive until the weekend when I can go to Indy and get away from all this craziness. I need a routine, this flying by the seat of my pants life isn't for me.

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