Wednesday, August 22, 2007

OMG A Post!!!

Pulling double duty at the schools has kept me pretty busy, hence the lack of posts.

Anyway, a month or so ago my apple laptop bit the dust something hard. Luckily I used it as a secondary, so I didn't loose anything extremely important. My desktop is going on 4 or 5 years old, which is a dinosaur in computer age. And having a computer person for a husband, he's not letting this 'predicament' last for long. My desktop is fine for me, but he wants to turn it into a file and/or media server and get me a new 'puter. Now here's where the dilemma begins. We all know that when i have to make a decision, it's not pretty...mostly because I can't make one.

Decision #1 - Laptop or desktop? This determines my OS. Which then leads to...

PC or Mac? Being a music person, I love Macs. And now that there's dual booting...yummy. The best of both worlds.

The thing that is really getting me....If I get a laptop it will be a Mac. And not the cheap 15in bare minimum Mac. It will be the 17in monster of awesomeness.

If I get a desktop, it will be a PC that the hubby builds, and also extreem to the max.

The Mac? $2500, the PC? $1000.

Hmmm...Anyone have any thoughts?????


Scott said...


Anonymous said...

I'm thinking there's a benefit to surfing the internets in bed instead of sitting at the computer. Do you qualify for the buy a Mac, get a rebate for an iPod promotion?

Starbuck said...

Yes, and I also get a discount for being a teacher, though the discount is all of $200, it's better than nothing.