Monday, November 26, 2007

Two Posts in One Day!!!!1!!!

Yesterday I got all domestic like and baked some goodies....

The first one? My first pie ever.  I've never made pie before, so I started with a caramel apple pie, and omfgz, I win.  It is SO YUMMY!!!

I also made some Butterfinger brownies, which consist of boxed brownie mix with crunched up butterfinger in it.  That being said, I greased the hell out of the pan and it they still stuck, like crazy, I don't think I baked them long enough.  Oh well, leave it to me to f-up the stuff I've made a bazillion times.  

This is also my first post from my new toy, which I've had about 2 weeks now.  I love it!  Oh and it's the 24 inch one.  We don't mess around!!!  It's bigger than my TV!!!


Anonymous said...

Yay, pie! What recipe did you use to make it caramel-y?

Starbuck said...

A recipe from I'll IM it to you or something...