Friday, November 02, 2007


So it's been what? Almost 2 months?

Yeah it's been crazy. School is interesting. Especially since next year the district is closing 8 schools, redistricting, and changing my school from a 7-8 school to a 7-12 school. This is good and bad.

-The kids will succeed academically when there is continuity in their education.
-I can have my own high school band and my build my own program!
-There is a lot to be done to transition the school to be a 7-12, mainly the way classes are scheduled. I can't wait to tell the principal that it would be cake for me to teach 6 periods of band and no keyboard. I hate teaching keyboard.
-My main concern for the kids is the 7th grade girls associating with the 18+year old guys. Jr. high girls make some poor decisions. We already have had numerous pregnant ones and some that have had babies.

That being said, I'm looking forward to next school year while keeping my eye out for other jobs for next year. Ones that pay a little more. The district is kinda on the low side of the payscale...


Nicole said...

They do?! That comes as a complete surprise to me. Seriously.

Starbuck said...

I hope that was sarcasm....