Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Spinning Plates

So I'm supposed to have a marching band this year.  I spent 35 minutes teaching the kids the first 6 notes of the Star Spangled Banner today.  That's "Oh say can you see."

I'm teaching orchestra this year.  I've never taught orchestra in my life.  I can't even remember what pitches to tune the strings to.  I just got the instruments today.  Tomorrow should be interesting.

I got an email last Thursday from the director at Westfield telling us band camp started Monday.  Guess where I've been spending my evenings?  Boo getting home at 9:15 at night.  Makes for a long day....oh an I got offered the supplemental contract again this year.  I don't know if I will take it.  It entails a lot more than just rehearsals, but it also gives me a lot more money....

I agreed to be the faculty sponsor for an after school club that a couple students want to start.  I told them I would do it if they did all the work and I supervised.  What club you say?  A Step Team.  Like the movie Stomp the Yard.  Yes, the whitest female there is in charge of the step team.  Oh boy.

I also agreed to start a drumline that meets after school.  My only saving grace is that I don't have drums yet.  Marching Band is also supposed to be sometime after school as well.....

Oh, and I'm starting my Masters this fall.  I can't decide if I want to do Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis on technology or to do the whole shebang and add a Technology endorsement to my license.  It's a difference of 18 credit hours....

Oh and sometime in there I'm supposed to relax and enjoy life.  Ha.

Burn out here I come!

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